Ancient Greek Terracotta large archaic kore, Circa 500 BC
This charming example of a Archaic Kore displays the artist´s attention to drapery and form. This piece is modeled after statues, such as the contemporary marble korai from the Acropolis and East Greece. The end result is awell-composed, pleasing terracotta votive that would have graced the altar of a temple as a dedication to a goddess, symbolizing eternal service and worship. The kore, is a substancial figure, modeled in the round. The head sits atop of strong, rounded shoulders that flow gracefully down to the trunk of the body. The figure standing upright and wears a flowing chiton with a shorter himation, or mantle, on top. The folds of the gathered skirt and the draping of the himation create the effect of parallel diagonals which, together with the asymmetrical posture, help to combat the strict, static nature of the rigid frontal pose. Underneath the cloth, the curves of the breasts and legs are subtly suggested.