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Conditions & shipments

As we are dealing with unique pieces, the availability of said pieces to the client is subject to confirmation from Ifergan Gallery – Ancient Art once the reception of the request from the client has been verified..

The cataloguing of the pieces included in their corresponding description has been carried out by Ifergan Gallery – Ancient Art in accordance with their professional experience, and after previous investigation and checking against similar pieces catalogued in public collections, private collections or to be found in the art market, and also with the backing of scientific tests that allow the age of the piece to be ascertained, always when such tests can be carried out

The customer expressly accepts that the sale made may not be perfected as at the time of receipt of the order the part requested may have been sold by other means than purchase via Internet, without which in this case may be claimed another responsibility to Ifergan Gallery – Ancient Art that the refund of the price paid.

Ifergan Gallery – Ancient Art guarantees the authenticity of the pieces which are offered.

Each piece sold will be accompanied by a certificate of authenticity issued by Ifergan Gallery – Ancient Art, and also by any scientific analysis or studies that have been expressly carried out for the said piece, and which have been mentioned previously in the description.

For questions of privacy, in many of the descriptions of pieces to be found on the webpages, the provenance of the piece on offer is not expressly identified. This provenance, as far as it is known to Ifergan Gallery – Ancient Art, will be registered in the data file for the piece which will be given to the purchaser, with the object of guaranteeing its legal provenance and trade.

Ifergan Gallery – Ancient Art reserves the right to use and continue to publish, by any means appropriate to its activity, and without limitation, the images, descriptions and files of any pieces sold by it, expressly consenting to the purchasers of those pieces, for the mere fact of its acquisition and without the need of any express act to that effect, said use.

The prices set for each piece have a merely informative value in relation to the date on which these have been communicated, and can be freely modified at any time by Ifergan Gallery – Ancient Art in accord with any circumstances in the market that could have an influence on these prices.

The prices set are price per unit for each piece, and include indirect taxes, as well as transport costsand transport insurance (the transport will be carried out by urgent private messenger services or specialized transport.)

Transportation and insurance costs will be arranged by customet, and will be those that are specifically agreed for each piece and destination between Ifergan Gallery – Ancient Art and the client if he decides to hire those services.

Any other expenses, taxes or customs duties connected to the importation of the piece, which are required under the legislation of the country to which the piece is to be delivered, must be met totally at their own expense by the client.

We hereby inform clients that sales with destination to other countries, whether or not they are part of the European Union, are subject to the previous acquirement of an export permit issued by the Spanish authorities. Moreover, when the country of destination of the piece is not part of the European Union, Spanish legislation imposes an export tax. Ifergan Gallery – Ancient Art, will inform interested parties about this on request.

In such cases, the obtaining of that export permit and, where appropriate, the payment of the corresponding export taxes, are the direct obligation of the client, and his exclusive account and position. However, you can entrust your management to Ifergan Gallery – Ancient Art, who will assume it exclusively under the following conditions:

  • The shipment of the piece will not be verified in any case while the export permit that must accompany it in its transport has not been obtained. For this purpose, the client is informed that the procedure involves a period of four to six weeks as a general rule, although it may last up to a maximum of four months. If the export involves payment of fees, in no case will be processed as long as they have not been anticipated by the customer.
  • In the case that said export permit is denied, the purchase agreement stands null and void, without responsibility falling on either party. Ifergan Gallery – Ancient Art will then proceed to refund the client the price paid for the piece, and in the case that this has also been paid in advance, the export tax.


The methods of payment are those indicated in the order form:

  • Bank transfer: when the option chosen by the customer is the bank transfer, the sale will not be verified until the transaction of the amount is visible at Ifergan Gallery – Ancient Art bank account. If it has not been received after seven calendar days from the date of the purchase, the sale will be without effect and the gallery Ifergan Gallery – Ancient Art will be able to offer again freely the piece for sale.
  • For other methods of payment than the above (check, cash, etc.), the client must contact with Ifergan Gallery – Ancient Art and seek the express agreement of this.

The sending or handing over of the piece will, in general, take place within the three days following the receipt of payment, except in cases of agreement between both parties, in which case the client will be informed of the exact date and the means of dispatch. In the case where the country of destination is not Spain, the dispatching of the piece will take place in the same conditions stated, but counting from the receipt of the corresponding export permission issued by the Spanish authorities.

The delivery schedule will be what has been determined in each case by the transport agency charged with the delivery, and by any material circumstances that could affect this. Ifergan Gallery – Ancient Art does not accept any responsibility for delays beyond the expected delivery date.

Once the shipment has been sent, the tracking number assigned by the transport agency will be provided to the customer, so he can proceed with its monitoring and control.

As a general rule, and without the need to put forward reasonable cause, the client may return the piece within fifteen calendar days of its reception. The purchase will then be considered annulled, following the instructions received from Ifergan Gallery – Ancient Art.  The return of the piece is only possible if the piece is returned by the client in exactly the same condition in which it was received, without any damage, deterioration or loss. Expenses that might be entailed by this return (e.g. transport, insurance, etc.) will be exclusively at the expense of the client.

In the same manner, and within the same time frame of fifteen calendar days from the receipt of the piece by the client, the latter can proceed to return the piece for a justified cause, and in this case, the expenses will be met by Ifergan Gallery– Ancient Art, which must return to the client the amount paid. It is understood that just cause exists in the following cases:

  •  That the piece received by the client does not correspond to the piece acquired;
  •  That the piece presents important damage or considerable imperfections not described in the sale data file. To this effect, in no case will consideration be given to small chips, knocks, erosion and wear and tear on a small small scale, of the sort inherent to this type of piece for their very nature as archaeological objects, following the custom of the sector where it is accepted that chips, etc., on this small scale are not described in great detail in the sale data file

In the same way, the client can proceed to return the piece at any moment, and without any time limit, and with the same obligation falling to Ifergan Gallery – Ancient Art to proceed to the return of the quantity paid, and also the expenses inherent in this return in the following situations:

In the case of a serious error in the cataloguing of a piece, understanding as such, the assigning to a piece to a culture or historic period different to the one to which it should have been ascribed.

The properly proven lack of authenticity of a piece, ascertained through scientific analysis or supported by the opinions of recognised international experts.

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